How To Lower Your ATT Internet Bill
by Allison Cruz | Updated 1/1/24
In our experience negotiating thousands of internet bills, we’ve found that you can lower your ATT internet bill by 17% if you follow bill negotiation best practices.
By following the steps in our guide below, you should be able to save around $23.81 monthly.
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Best ATT Internet Promotions
We’ve found on average that you can lower your ATT internet bill by $23.81 a month. That’s about a 17% discount on your monthly bill based on our data set.
Except for premium cable channel discounts, most AT&T bill reductions last for a year. If you’re lucky, you can get a lifetime plan reduction.
The highest discount we got on an AT&T internet bill was $75 a month and the lowest was $5.
Below, we’ll walk you through the steps you can take to maximize the savings on your bill.
How To Reduce ATT Internet Bills
The best way to get a deal on AT&T internet as an existing customer is to add a promotional discount to your plan.
ATT doesn’t advertise that you can get lower internet bills with them. The only way to get these discounts is to call AT&T customer support and negotiate one.
You can get started by calling (800) 288-2020.
Start off by saying that you’re looking for ways to save on your bill.
You should research how much AT&T is currently charging for your service beforehand. FInding out what other internet companies are giving to new customers is helpful as well.
Most of the time, your rep will have a promotion for you that can save you a little bit of money.
If you want to maximize the savings on your bill, ask them if there’s any better promotion that they can apply.
Another tactic is comparing what they’re currently offering new customers to what you’re paying today.
When you use this negotiating tactic, they’ll often say that this is new customer pricing.
If that’s the case, then you should say that you’ve seen deals from other competitors in your area that are even lower than what ATT is offering.
The implied message is that you’re thinking of canceling your ATT bill. That usually shuts them up and gets you a bigger discount.
In our experience, these promotion discounts are usually between $10-$40 a month for 12 months.

Other Ways To Save
It’s important to extend your promotion before it expires.
In our experience, we’ve found that it’s easier to extend an existing promotion compared to asking AT&T for a new promotion or your old promotion back.
By calling before your bill goes up, it shows ATT that you’re a careful consumer and you’re not asking for a favor but giving them a chance to keep your business.
For most of these promotional discounts, your services will be the same and they don’t require you to sign up for a contract.
It’s important to get a reference number and the date when the promotion will be applied.
Sometimes the discount that you negotiate doesn’t push through. Having this data will let you know when you need to call back and can get you additional one-time credits for AT&T inconveniencing you.
You’ll have more options to save if you have more services with ATT. The most common are AT&T wireless and DirecTV.
If you’re looking to save money on your bill, there are still plenty of ways to lower your DirecTV bill and lower your AT&T wireless bill.
We wrote some of the top guides on the internet for these services.
Additional Tips
Another way to save on your AT&T internet bill is by signing up for autopay and paperless statements.
The discount for autopay for paying ATT bills is $8 a month.
Check to see if your discount is being applied. Sometimes the autopay discount isn’t applied. If that’s the case, you’ll need to get it manually added by talking to an agent.
The average internet speed for Americans has steadily been increasing over the year. 200mbps used to be considered fast. Now, that’s the entry tier for many cable companies.
A good way to get more value from your AT&T internet service is to get them to increase your internet speed. If you’re on a very old plan, you can often get a cheaper rate on your plan
One rule of thumb is that you should probably get our internet upgraded if your speed is below 100 mbps. That’s basically dialup.
You can also often get your equipment for free and get modem fees waived. If you had it for a couple of years, it’s usually been fully depreciated by AT&T.
At this point, most ATT internet plans don’t charge modem fees so they’re usually happy to remove them from your account to keep you as a customer.
AT&T Internet Deals For Existing Customers
One of the best specials for existing customers of AT&T Internet is the ACP. With the ACP, you can get $30 a month off your bill every month.
If your bill is $20 or $30 a month, you’ll end up getting your internet service for free.
ACP, or the Affordable Connectivity Program, is a government program that phone and internet companies like AT&T have partnered with.
Not everyone can sign up for the ACP. You’ll have to meet one of the criteria to be eligible.
One big one is having a household income at or below 200% of the federal poverty guideline. The other is being enrolled in a federal assistance program like SNAP, Medicaid, and SSI.
There are two steps in order to sign up for the ACP. The first is to apply at Once you’re approved, call AT&T at 877-374-3102 to enroll with your application ID.
The ACP is funded with $14bn. We don’t know how long the program will last so sign up soon.
Previously the ACP used to be called the EBB. The discount was $50 a month.
You can only use the ACP with one service but if you have a family plan and multiple households who meet the criteria, you could use the ACP for both your ATT internet and AT&T wireless accounts.
Lower Your AT&T Internet Bill With BillSmart!
We hope that by following some of the tips in our guide that you were able to get a much lower ATT internet bill.
If you weren’t happy with what you got or didn’t have the time to get to it yet, have the experts at BillSmart take care of your bill for you.
We save our clients $352 on average and our negotiations are free if we don’t save you money.
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